Brownfield redevelopment is a complex process and requires good cooperation and commitment from all involved parties. This guide is targeted to urban planners and other experts interested to learn more how to develop brownfield areas in cooperation with citizens, NGOs, land-owners, developers and other stakeholders.
The guide is divided in two main sections:
Section 1: Internal organization and preparation focuses on improving internal processes and cooperation within local administration, which sets a solid base for a participatory planning process. It focuses on topics such as strategic planning and the role of preparatory planning documents, how to ensure leadership in the process and improve internal cooperation, why to perform baseline analysis and risk analysis and what to take into account when designing participatory planning processes.
Section 2: Cooperating with stakeholders provides guidance on how to work with stakeholders. It explains how to perform a stakeholder analysis and prepare a stakeholder involvement plan, what to take into account when selecting stakeholder involvement methods, what is the role of communication in the process and how to ensure transparency of the process.
The guide is based on practical experiences of Baltic Urban Lab cities Norrköping, Tallinn, Turku and Riga and on a broad dialogue with different planners and experts around the Baltic Sea Region. The guide provides real world case examples from different cities about implementing public-private-people partnership models along with tips for further reading and useful tools.
Guide is available in English, Estonia, Finish, Latvian and Swedish.