Baltic Urban Lab

An EU co-funded cross-border cooperation project that aims at improving urban planning in the Baltic Sea region. New integrated planning and partnership models for brownfield regeneration are created and tested in practice in Norrköping, Tallinn, Turku and Riga and made available to all cities in the region to help them in revitalization of urban space and support the development of smart, sustainable city districts with high-quality living and working environments.

Latest news

Friday, October 12, 2018 - 13:30

Brownfield regeneration involves the redevelopment of underutilised areas of a city. This contributes to limiting urban sprawl and promotes investment to restore land that has been contaminated by industrial activity. As such, it is an important path towards more integrated, resilient and sustainable urban development.

Thursday, September 13, 2018 - 14:34

Baltic Urban Lab Final Conference on”Dealing with the Past & Planning for the Future – turning urban brownfields into possibilities” was held 6-7 September 2018 in Riga, Latvia.

The Final Conference of Baltic Urban Lab project brought together more than 60 urban planners, soil remediation experts, architects and other interested parties from Latvia, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland to explore the lessons learned from the project and by four piloting cities – Tallinn (Estonia), Turku (Finland), Riga (Latvia) and Norrköping (Sweden). The Final Conference was held in Spikeri Concert Hall which is a brownfield location itself, listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Riga. The Baltic Urban Lab Final Conference was moderated by architect Peteris Bajars. 

Good Practices


Brownfield regeneration

A 140-year old wooden building reconstructed and transformed into a wooden architecture centre - Koka Riga -  in the 19th century wooden factory district in Grīziņkalns area.


Citizen participation

Safety walks are being organized in order to gather residents’ experiences on their own living environment in Turku.