Baltic Urban Lab presented at VASAB Workshop

Cities and towns, seen as the drivers of European economy, play significant role in territorial development to achieve goals of EU Cohesion policy. Urban areas also face different challenges which require purposeful and coordinated action at all governance levels. To be able to achieve coherent development of the Baltic Sea Region, specific approaches for a diverse urban pattern (small and medium cities, urban partnerships, cooperation across administrative borders) are being currently discussed

Held on 28 October 2015 in Łódź, Poland, Workshop on Urban Revitalization was organized by VASAB Secretariat in order to share experiences on urban revitalization at national and local level and to bring a joint input to ongoing Urban Agenda development process based on existing sustainable urban planning solutions and partnership concepts.

Baltic Urban Lab, presented together with another CB Programme-funded project - Livable Baltic Campus - provided viewpoint on creative solutions to improve the quality of life in Baltic Sea region cities. Both projects will bring an input to the EU Strategy for Baltic Sea Region and particularly to its Horizontal Action "Spatial Planning" by providing place-based spatial planning solutions. Workshop also included a guided study walk to the Priest Mill area - textile factories (mainly cotton mill) and supporting facilities, built in the beginning of XIX century, as well as Piotrkowska street central area, currently undergoing various revitalisation processes.
